After learning of a death by a young woman who was once my student in pre-school, and friends who are also mourning the death of friends and family…I’m prompted to ask the age old question…”why?”
A lot has been written about death and the reasons why-I find if one strays too far away from the biblical truth on death, one is subject to much confusion and questions that have no answer.
1 Corinthians-15:21,45-47 “For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. … The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. But it is not the spiritual that is first but the natural, and then the spiritual. The first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from heaven.”
I find the entire 15th Chapter of 1 Corinthians to be comforting in our quest to gain some understanding of death.
May we each keep in mind…”The Journey” defines and determines the destination.
Also recall in my explanation of Bliss…it is the assurance of a higher power in control of all that which we neither understand or have answers to justify the “why.”
If you are like me, you spend a lot of time in the kitchen…it has been said, the kitchen is the heart of the home…hmmm…certainly if one is hungry, it surely is the place to park.
I spent time in the kitchen today working on a new spread, one that can be used for dipping, tossing into hot broiled shrimp or used on a sandwich in place of mayonnaise.
You will kindly notice I found that pop of Red to light up the dish-and I love apple with everything.
Using crusty French or the last of a Sourdough loaf…cut two cups into cubes…drizzle with a good olive oil (lightly) sprinkle generously with a Cajun blend ( Sage Hill Cajun Blend) toast and set aside.
Blend a half cup of sour cream- (creole mustard, turmeric powder, ginger powder, and cayenne pepper, sea salt and fresh ground black pepper- to taste)
Toss this into a pan of hot grilled shrimp and there’s your “Bliss!”
Don’t like or want the shrimp ( I know ya’ll are out there ?)
Cold Roast beef, the bread cubes, sliced “Red apple” and the dip…still “Blissful,” and now you must make a choice. Either way…you win!
Remember…bliss is not a place, a thing, or even a lifestyle…it is in fact…” a tiny spark” that lives inside, and if, and when, you allow it to glow…it lights up your world-fills your heart, mind, and spirit with perfect contentment and acceptance…for the moment…”The Moment” must be embraced, nourished, and encouraged to simmer… if you are to live a blissful journey…the moment is never enough.~
Sage Hill Gardens will greet the new year with a plan of Re-Purposing…look for scatterings of red throughout the year-you might be surprised…and I trust you will be delighted.
Nothing compares to a foggy Tennessee morning-just as the sun breaks through…brunch in the Bog, a knowing…it was, it is, and it will always be…time for Bliss.
The stylish gardener is a peek inside my own personal life in and around the gardening concept.
I refuse to view and accept life as a chance happening. I can and I do, shape and mold it until it makes me laugh…or cry…as long as I’m feeling and reacting, it just gets better and better.
My life isn’t perfect, I am not sure perfection exist, or that I would want it if it did. Nothing is quite as glorious as rounding a corner and being knocked to your knees by something wonderful you didn’t see coming!
So come visit as often as you like, take away any idea that you can claim for your own…( please don’t take my photo’s 🙂 )
Many fun events and ideas happen here almost daily…sharing is my way of offering to you…A Blissful Moment~
Breakfast on the porch is almost a daily ritual, either alone or with your partner , a friend, the children, even your pet…make it special and a morning to cherish.
Pumpkin history (as we know pumpkins to be) is somewhat recent compared to many other vegetables and fruits. The word pumpkin originated from the Greek word Pepõn which means large melon. The word gradually morphed by the French, English and then Americans into the word “pumpkin.” Pumpkins and squash are believed to have originated in the ancient Americas. These early pumpkins were not the traditional round orange upright Jack-O-Lantern fruit we think of today when you hear the word pumpkin. They were a crooked neck variety which stored well. Archaeologists have determined that variations of squash and pumpkins were cultivated along river and creek banks along with sunflowers and beans. This took place long before the emergence of maize (corn). After maize was introduced, ancient farmers learned to grow squash with maize and beans using the “Three Sisters” tradition.
The Three Sisters are squash, corn and beans which grow and thrive together. Corn serves as the natural trellis for the beans to grow on. The beans roots set nitrogen in the soil to nourish the corn. The bean vines help to stabilize the corn stalks on windy days. The squash plants shelter the shallow roots of the corn and shade the ground to discourage weeds and preserve moisture. Truly a symbiotic relationship. I have read where it was a common practice to bury a small fish alongside the seeds at planting to nourish the “Three Sisters.”
Today’s Pumpkins~
When we think ‘pumpkin’ what color comes to mind…for most I suspect it is the traditional orange.
All pumpkins start out green, then gradually grow into whatever color they become.
The Australian Blue (or light grey) is a smaller and flatter pumpkin, but adds beauty and charm to any collection.
There is a red pumpkin ” Rouge D’Etant” and one called Cinderella.
The tan pumpkin is what all commercial processors use. I have cooked a tan and find it much less stringy than all the others, milder in flavor also.
All pumpkins are the same color fruit inside.
All are packed with vitamin A and potassium and high in fiber.
All the odd shaped fruits such as the Monk’s Turbin, Goose neck, and many, many other varieties are not really pumpkins…instead they are either from the squash or gourd family.
Some of the pumpkins that have been grown at Sage Hill over the years are in pictures below.
This year, this season, Sage Hill will be celebrating the “Pumpkin”.
So…look forward to more of the weird, wacky, colorful, and delicious
This pumpkin is from last year ( 2013) it is still in the basement and still good, I will use again this year. Crazy !
I purchased a white pumpkin in 2009 and did not discard it until 2010 after the holiday’s. This pumpkin grew from that seed and from the compost pile…beautiful…this thing called “nature!”
The largest pumpkin ever grown at Sage Hill. More than 30 pounds in weight.
There is much the herb gardener can do this late in the season to be assured of abundance in the gardens in the coming year.
One important “to know” are the herbs that will self -sow (the dropping of seed in the fall that will sprout up and make beautiful new plants the coming spring/summer).
Basil, Borage, Clary Sage, Cockscomb , Coriander, Dill, Marigold, Pot Marigold, (calendula) Parsley, and Purslane, …are the most prolific of this group.
If you live in a climate with very harsh winters…then I would suggest lightly covering your herb beds, gardens, with straw or some other medium that can be easily removed when needed. This is a method I use on all the beds at Sage Hill; protects the soil, discourages critters from digging and keeps the worst of weather from making a harsh impact.
Some seed won’t show until the new spring…but some will take root and start growing the same year they are dropped.
Don’t be surprised if the plant and /or flower from the self-seeder isn’t the same as the mother plant, they most often take on different colors and sometimes shape…does not hinder the properties.
Plants that are allowed to grow where mother nature plants them will do best…self-seeders will land in some odd places…this is the charm of the idea.
So plant where you wish to, need to, or have to…but also let some self-seeders do their natural design and you will have a signature garden to be admired.