September 17, 2023
by: Bea Rigsby-Kunz
The pounding on the front door began just at sunrise.
No matter how many covers I pulled over my head it simply would not go away!
Down the stairs, opened the door and she came flooding in like rushing water through a broken levy.
The miracle we know as Sunshine!
Twenty minutes, that first cup of Sunday morning coffee, a chapter in a good book…fuel for the day.
If you have an interest this book is a powerful lesson in history, faith, and women who paved the way.
121 brief biographies of women who lived from the first century right into the present.
Names we know and names we have never heard, women born of high wealth and women born to poverty and obscurity.
Queens and peasants, noblewomen, and serving maids, all are outstanding servants in their devotion to Jesus Christ.
Copyright 1959 by Edith Deen
And now…for that second cup…liquid blessings!