When Dunkin Donuts is the highlight of your day trip…you just relax and drink up!
*The business was very nice, clean with a coffee bar/lounge kinda seating arrangement, helpful, and fun to chat with employees.
That is my first time ever being in a DD shop…hmmm.
You know the saying “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence?”
We’ve been lied to.
Fairview, TN., is a great little place to visit for a day, I would not wish to live there!
It is part of the Nashville metropolitan area, but leaves a lot at the city limits!
I did find a very good place to eat and a few little quaint shops.
The most interesting thing they have to offer is a 722 acre State Park, managed by the city…a super Nature center with a nice lake and really good hiking trails.
It is also very close to other areas I like a lot-Columbia, Brentwood, Spring Hill, and Thompson Station.
(not being critical, I’m sure there is much that I didn’t find, just not my kind of town.)
The beautiful church is at Thompson Station.
Farm Fresh is in Fairview, it is a bright spot among the rest.
It is also growing, with a lot of new residential areas, so other things will follow.
All in all, it was a good day trip, with good food, and my friend Angela will be pleased to know I discovered Dunkin Donut coffee!
Impressive, I like it, I even bought a full pound to bring home…and brace yourself…it only cost $5.00, who sells coffee for 5.00?
I ask why it was so cheap…a simple thank you to their customers.
How is that for a New Years’ beginning?