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**You may or may not believe that the power and energy used to create and woven into the fiber of the whole universe, also is woven into our being.**

This is what makes each of us individual in all ways….so many people, and not a single one identical to another…even Identical twins have some differences.

The” real thing” astrology is very educational and helps one to understand the world and self in a way that isn’t always understood on the surface look.
( not the tea-leaf reader kind)
The intricate and amazingly complicated yet simple universe that God, The Creator of all life put together, and fine-tuned to perfect working order.

I’ve heard it said, spend your time fine-tuning the journey and the destination will be exactly as it should be.

A few facts that make up the core of those born under the Sun sign…Beware!!

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. These folks are impossible to miss since they love being center stage. Making an impression is Job One for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal. The fact that these folks are also creative makes their endeavors fun for them and everyone else.

It’s the Lion that symbolizes Leos, and the king (or queen) of the jungle is a most appropriate mascot since they consider themselves the rulers of their universe.
Like Lions, Leos tend to be dignified and strong, and it’s this sense of their power that allows them to get things done.
A Leo on your team is a good thing since Lions are eager to see their projects through to completion. Putting these folks at the helm is a good thing, too, since the Leo-born are natural leaders.
They may ruffle a few feathers along the way, however, since they can also be overbearing and somewhat autocratic.
This may be in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this sign — Lions are indeed opinionated and set in their ways. That said, they are well organized, idealistic, and have a knack for inspiring others.

Leo is ruled by the Sun — the center of the universe and the fuel for our being. 
Lions are outgoing, self-assured, and have a tremendous zest for life. So what if the world revolves around them? There are worse role models, for sure. Regardless of appearance, those born under this sign can be counted on for their loyalty and sense of honor. They are also decisive, intensely proud, and wonderfully romantic.

The element associated with Leo is Fire. Everything about the Lion’s personality is hot, hot, hot. Those born under this sign are fearless and strong, which may be why Lions plunge in headfirst and let the chips fall where they may. Thankfully, Leos are dignified enough not to commit too many pratfalls. .

The great strengths of the Leo-born are their creativity, idealism, and leadership. Lions don’t lack for ambition, either, so they’re likely to accomplish a lot — and have fun while they’re at it. Their warmth and loyalty ensure that others will enjoy the ride as well.

The month of August brings 8 birthday’s in my family circle… which is a lot of Leo personalities! Are we going to have a wild month or what?

I’m thinking we plan a party of connection…

If you are close by or coming my way…pop in and have a cookie…or a cucumber…LOL…I’m burned out on cukes so I’ll be opting for the cookies!!

Happy birthday to Us…


Birthday’s…are important, they are the cornerstone from  where we come , where we are and where we will be in the future….
They are the heartbeat, the tear-drops, the laughter …the core….

I have spent 34 years of my life in the setting  called a farm…as a young child until the age of 18…and now…the gardens and I find ourselves closing out 17 years together

I know in the deepest recesses of my being…the last two decades of my life have  been a silent tribute to the first 2 decades…those years in between were/are the candles on the cake!!

Thank you….to my family, my children, friends, clients….Celebrate with us…life is a gift…Sage Hill is on holiday (no more commercial production)
I, on the other hand…have only just begun!!  Wanna dance??

Seeds are a great way to add more nutrients to any diet . Seeds are not common allergens, so people who are nut sensitive can eat them and be safe.There are several seeds that are rich in hard to get nutrients…such as omega-3 essential fatty acids. Flax seeds are well known for this benefit. It’s best to grind whole flax seed to get the best of what they offer.

Hemp and chai have a good balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids and one of few sources of gamma-linolenic acid, an anti-inflammatory fat that many take in supplement form. Hemp is also rich in fiber and have complete protein with all the essential amino acids.

Chai seeds are a member of the mint family. They are easily digested, have high fiber levels, and can absorb so much water that they help release carbohydrates slowly into the bloodstream; this can help reduce food cravings.

Seeds are delicious sprinkled on cereal, salads, yogurt, and the comfort food…mac and cheese.
Also great as a hand to mouth snack.

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of many vitamins and minerals…one being L-tryptophan…which has been shown to alleviate depression.

So…introduce seeds into your family’s daily intake and know you are giving them a good dose of health.

Join us at:

~Nothing Feels As Good As Feeling Good~


I know from my own experience we tend to get stuck using the same herb/seasoning time after time. This is the time to experiment with herbs we may not have tried before. Even if you aren’t growing your own, most any farm market or fresh produce market will have a variety. ( maybe even your neighbor 🙂

Basil, mint, and parsley seem to be the staples for most.
Cilantro, Lemon verbena, Savory, Tarragon and Thyme…many awesome flavors can be achieved by opting to stray a bit  from the norm.

Thyme is wonderful tossed onto the grill with chicken or fish, squash or potatoes.
( soak it a few minutes in water-then lay on top of meat or vegetable )

Tarragon…a small amount added to lemon or strawberry sorbet is awesome.

Savory…a milder thyme flavor…mixed with buttered breadcrumbs and spread on baking chicken…yum !

So, reach out and go a little herb crazy this summer…

Enjoy and remember to visit the website or tour this blog for recipes to tempt~

Sage Hill’s Patriotic Kitchen…..



Well…Yes…if one thinks about it and depending on what patriotism actually means…and, what “salad” actually means….hmmm, this could be deep!!
Fear not, I’ll explain…

Although the ancient Greeks and Romans did not use the word “salad,” they enjoyed a variety of dishes with raw vegetables dressed with vinegar, oil, and herbs. Pliny the Elder in Natural History, for instance, reported that salads (acetaria) were composed of those garden products that “needed no fire for cooking and saved fuel, and which were a resource to store and always ready” (Natural History, XIX, 58). They were easy to digest and were not calculated to overload the senses or stimulate the appetite.

The medical practitioners Hippocrates and Galen believed that raw vegetables easily slipped through the system and did not create obstructions for what followed, therefore they should be served first. Others reported that the vinegar in the dressing destroyed the taste of the wine, therefore they should be served last. This debate has continued ever since.

The history goes back even earlier, but trust me, you do not want to go there!!

It seems to me, in many ways salad has become an escape from too many choices and sometimes no choices…of the best foods.

I find salads to be intriguing, works of art and if eaten in a certain manner….an experience of Culinary Bliss!

Example….the oldest history of this dish explains the layering aspect…(not tossed or mixed)

It does open up a plethora of flavors when eaten from a layered design…

In my culinary dictionary, Iceberg lettuce is the worst example of edible greens…it has no flavor, no nutritional value and almost impossible to digest.
Romaine, Butter Crunch, Corn Salad Mix and a host of other greens are much better choices….Romaine being at the top for nutritional value…

Always break/tear the lettuce/greens instead of chopping….the latter cuts off or slows down the release of flavor and nutrients.

Today’s choice….
(*each of these ingredients are a layer-separated by a light layer of your greens)

Romaine…small amount
Asparagus spears,cut on a diagonal
Sweet onion/half moon slices (cauliflower can substitute)
Carrots or kale stalks/cut on a diagonal
Peaches/slices/fresh or canned
Sweet Yellow peppers
Walnuts or pecans…I like the flavor the pecan imparts….

As you layer sprinkle lightly with Sea Salt, fresh ground pepper and  a light dash of your favorite dressing…Poppy-seed is excellent on any salad with fruit.
Also Olive oil with extracts of orange and other flavors are delicious.

Now comes the most important step of having the ultimate salad experience!

Do Not take your fork and mix/toss all these ingredients…use your fork to spear down inside the layers….with each bite you will get a different and distinct taste/flavor….this opens and tantalizes your taste-buds, activates your digestive system to standing at attention….

If possible eat without bread or crackers….if not possible…toasted French bread would be a good flavor match…crispy and good!

All foods have a complimentary companion…get that basic understanding and the kitchen will be more inviting!

Tis the season…design your own culinary favorites and simplify!



Spring, it comes only to retreat, and back again…seems she never tires of teasing us. However, those of us who garden have figured out ways to compensate for that which we cannot change. ( the weather 🙂

Spring lettuces , onion, chive, many herbs, and depending on location…a few other goodies…can be grown in cold frames, high tunnels, greenhouses, and even in open areas with the knowing that you need some form of protection on those nights that dip below what is acceptable. I love the floating row covers, they can be used simply by spreading across/down where needed…or, they can be used on a dome like frame built to keep them from touching the plants.

Remember, if you have large beds or gardening in tilled- soil…take the time to design walking paths between your rows…a thick layer of pine straw will help absorb the shock of your footprints and avoid packing the soil. ( I do this even in my raised-beds) Be aware…if you use wheat straw or other grain straw you will end up with unwanted weed and grass sprouts in the new spring…I highly suggest pine straw…it can be easily removed in the fall or late winter and used in other areas of need. Yes, dead leaves do work…however, they are subject to be taken away by the wind, and they don’t supply nearly the protection of impact as the straw.
This is the look  we should have come mid-June…
Spring…she is fickle!

Bea Rigsby-Kunz
Teacher/speaker/advocate for- Better Health through Better Food Knowledge.

When the gardens are tended…retreat to the kitchen!
where delectable designs come to mind~



Peonies have glands called extra-floral nectarines that deposit sap on the buds. This sap is made up mostly of sugar but also contains protein, amino acids and other nutrients.
Even though ants are not instrumental in opening the buds, they do serve a purpose. Ants are aggressive and will either eat or drive other pests away that harm peonies. Therefore, it is best to just leave them alone and let them feast on the sap.
Ants do not stay around long after the flowers bloom and the nutrient-rich sap is no longer produced. It is only created while the flower is still a bud. A few ants may be reluctant to leave the flowers, but once they are fully open, the ants will be gone.

It is important to prevent bringing ants inside when using peonies as cut flowers. Cut the flowers and dip the head of the flower in a bucket of clear water. Gently swish it around until all ants fall into the water. Remove the flower from the water and shake gently to remove excess water .

cashew chicken

Springs Enticing Menu

Thoughts of food and food for thought…spring brings them both to the front and center of our mind…and our table.

My food for thought this spring is “action.”  Regardless of what areas of our life need attention, until we act, nothing will change.

I don’t know many families who are not dealing with major issues of weight, illness, disease, and emotional stressors that leave them exhausted and overwhelmed at the end of the day.

A very real truth is- All of these issues can, and many do, come from foods that we have come to depend on for our daily nutrition.
But, alas….the standard fare in the average supermarket today is far from nutritious…in fact, it is tainted with chemicals, genetically modified ingredients, and high-powered artificial sweeteners that keep our systems constantly out of balance and in a state of slow deterioration.

Action needed… and application. Know from whence your food comes and how it is processed. Read and understand labels. 
Research your favorite companies to learn how they operate…pay close attention to what they ‘don’t ‘ say.

More and more people are on board with healthy and safe foods.
Sadly, more and more companies are being sucked in by powerful controls that are bent on destroying our food industry.
Now…on to one of my favorite ingredients…Ginger-root~

Ginger, when fresh, has a much different taste than the powdered version. This beige, knobby root has a bite, sweetness, and woodsy aroma all its own.
Ginger-root has tan skin with white to creamy yellow flesh.

When purchasing ginger-root, look for withered skin or softness to the feel…both are indications of ‘age.’ Firm, unpeeled ginger-root will keep for 3 to 4 weeks in the refrigerator.

Peel only the amount you plan to use, wrap the remainder in foil, and place in a storage bag in the bottom crisper of the frig.

Slice the peeled root into ‘coin’ shapes and mince….ready to toss into your favorite stir-fry.

One of my favorites:

(Stir-Fry Chicken & Cashews)
**Pasture-raised without any added grain(corn) or at least the most trusted organic.

Chicken broth-12 to 14 oz
1 tsp each; arrow-root and Sesame oil
2 tbsp teriyaki sauce ( optional ) I use molasses instead
4 cloves garlic minced
1 tbsp fresh ginger minced ( or to taste )
1 lb organic chicken -cut into strips
4 green onions chopped
1/2 cup cashews
1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce

Combine 1/2 cup broth, arrowroot, and teriyaki-set aside
In a large wok ( or skillet ) heat oil over medium/high heat
Add garlic and ginger and stir fry for 10 seconds
Add chicken and stir-fry for 4 to 5 minutes ( just until done )

Push chicken to side of wok-stir sauce and add to the center of wok

Cook and stir until thickened
Combine with chicken, and add green onions, cashews, and hot pepper sauce.

Serve hot over a mixture of salad greens. ( or sticky rice)


Spring is here…have fun, be safe, and hope you are gardening~

bloggers    bea
Hmmm…to blog or swing??

Over a lifetime I’ve know many times that the brightest rays of sunshine come during the most turbulent periods of my life…..through hurricanes, injured children, a military child, loss on many levels that has rocked my core. I have never once ask “why me”….and I’m not going to ask now….to be singled out, chosen and given a beautiful, generous award for being a bright spot in someone’s day, or many day’s….I accept with a gracious gratitude from a well known and respected, in her business world as the BoomerBusinessCoach  (Melodieann Whiteley)
She is a power-house in what she does because she believes, in herself and others. Melodieann is also retired from the military…she also knows how to kick-ass if needed!   Thank you Melodieann for thinking I’m worthy and for being a fabulous woman!

Melodieann wants to know “who or what inspired me to blog and where I find inspiration to do so.”
(Actually I’ve been blogging long before “Blogs” were popular…I have a zillion little notes over a lifetime of bits and pieces of information I felt was worthy of penning to paper.  My inspiration comes from life…it’s a gift and I feel it should be addressed and documented in some way that impacts…someone, somewhere in someway !
Which answers the next question….what I want others to take away from what I share…..CONNECTION… a word or a world….one connection leads to another…and another.

Lastly, my favorite things to do when not working…..
(I find it hard to totally define one without the other…I bring my work into my private life and my private life into my work….(well to a point) but that’s none of your business!!
As of November 2018 all retail aspects of Sage Hill was retired….that means more travel time, going places, doing delightful things…then blogging about them! Be sure to Bookmark and visit often.
Now…the best part. I get to nominate 2 bloggers who inspired, educated and guided me over the years. Many times without knowing how much of a role they played in my decisions……

Richard Rossbauer was/is among my first 3 internet connections. I built , with Richard’s guidance my first website…wow!! did I build that?? Yep, and it worked…not saying it worked well…another story for another time!
I’ve been seeking out Richard’s help on all things internet related since those early years (about 2003) Richard has a plethora of the best info on all things webby…safety being a huge priority! Get to know his work/website….you’ll be better for it.

Faye Durham…does this woman know stuff!  I have contacted her so many times over the years with questions that were demanding, she never said no and she never failed to supply me with answers or a place to start. She is degreed’ and qualified to do what she does…. I love you dear friend.  While we started this blog together, she is the sole owner and supplier now and has been for a few years.

Sunshine Blogger Rules…If you chose to accept.

  • Thank the person who nominated you and include a link back to their blog and IG account.
  • Answer the questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate other bloggers (2 – 4) and give them questions to answer.
  • Notify your nominees through social media or by commenting on their blog.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award Logo in your post.~~

    Richard and Faye, my questions for you would be…

    1. Is blogging as relevant to your business now as in the beginning?
    2. Is there any one major point you believe makes or breaks a blog’s success?
    3. On a scale of 1-10 …10 being a strong Yes….has your blogging made a difference in your internet success
    4. What is your #1 picky peeve about blogging?



The best way to understand the real meaning of Easter would be from Jesus, in His three words … the new covenant.

Most all of us adapt to our current day forms of celebrations…….
Maybe that is OK as long as we don’t forget and fail to teach the real history, how and why the holiday came to be.

My oldest son loved holidays with all the trimmings…so naturally he enjoyed his basket and his little brothers basket! (circa 1966) his brother was a preemie of 5 months…no photo’s until his 6 month check-up.


A master-piece by Bradley and Jack…grandsons..about 2009 I think.

May your Easter Sunday be blessed with love and truth….