Many of you know me as a Culinary Herbalist, herb grower, gardener, and advocate for “Truth In Labeling, ” and promoter of all around better food habits for good health.
In the next few months I would like to introduce another subject dear to my heart and something I embrace and practice. (Herbs…for medicine.)
Let me qualify one thing clearly…I do not sell medicinal products, nor do I give medicinal advice.
My goal is to share information that will peak your interest and motivate you to look at all options for getting and maintaining good health. This can and should be a combination of practices. Herbal medicine, Western medicine, food choices, lifestyles, and spiritual health. Balance is what truly brings about the very best health.
From ancient times, herbs have played a vital role in the healing traditions of many cultures.
The alternative way of looking at health care, of which Herbs, past and present represent-can be just as valid today as they were 5,000 years ago.
Next post will look at Origins of Western Herbalism~ stay tuned .
Bea Rigsby-Kunz
Culinary Herbalist
Disclaimer….Any and all herbal articles from and by Sage Hill is offered totally as educational information only. We do not intend this information to be viewed as medicinal advice for any given treatment.
Sage Hill does not sell Medicinal products nor do we give Medicinal advice.