Researching and tapping into the earliest of documentation around any subject of my interest is one of my favorite activities’.
With gardening being a priority any early info is like finding Treasure Island with a foot-bridge.
More than a decade past, a lovely friend gifted a book to me… I have cherished and consider it to be among my top prized books of all time.
“The Garden at Eichstatt.”
The Willibaldsburg Castle and it’s Garden~
The Willibaldsburg is a spur castle, built between the years 1073 and 1353, in Eichstätt in Upper Bavaria. Until the middle of the 18th century it was the representative castle and seat of Eichstätt’s prince-bishops.
Extended and fortified many times during a period of 200 years, it still stands and still holds the ownership to the very first formally designed garden in the world. The garden was close to being an obsession and therefore was given the grandest of attention. ( for many years with only one set of hands.)
Reading the complete history quickly becomes clear that one must read it to grasp the scope of the intention and different levels of change the entire project went through before becoming a finished work of art.
These are a few of the photo’s in the book…hundreds of the most intricate hand drawings ever …the books speaks to the search and final choice of the artist…for the times in question…it is nothing less than amazing!
Thank you Sarah E. Othman…a gift that keeps on giving ~ Pleasure and knowledge.
The two bottom photo’s…1611…and 1998.