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Can We Get There From Here?

January stuff

cool stuffI sometimes enjoy sharing “cool stuff” I find in my reading or traveling. I found this in the news magazine “Mother Jones”… (I first shared it in 2008)

I think it points out the fact that we need to take more control over our health decisions. Change some habits, take a hard look at our diets, our food sources, and make radical changes.

This is the text of the article from Mother Jones…

Do You Care About Your Health?

According to a report from the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine, avoidable medical mistakes are the eighth leading cause of death in the United States, ahead of car accidents, breast cancer, and AIDS.
There is no legal limit on the number of hours a physician can work in a 24-hour period. 70% of surgeons do not believe that fatigue affects their performance in the operating room.
In a recent year, there were an estimated 44,000 to 98,000 avoidable patient deaths in American health care.
There are no federal laws requiring hospitals to report deaths and injuries to patients caused by error.

**Some of these stats may have changed since published date**

Sure makes me look closer at other options!

To Your Good Health!~~

2019 can be YOUR year to take control and be all you are meant to be.

Just Do It!