Nothing feels quite like being on the open road, with a full day ahead and no agenda…except lunch at a favorite spot and all the splurge shopping one can handle!
Let me just say…in Nashville, Tn., I saw no signs of a slowdown, new construction beyond belief.
I do have a question. What is driving the all-inclusive look of industrial elements in homes, and commercial buildings?
Dull, generic browns, and grays? The only thing missing is wire fencing and a guard at the gate. (one huge, old, manufacturing plant turned into condos, bars on the windows?
It’s ugly and disturbing.
But…I digress!
I know and love the special, beautiful, and many historical spots. Germantown is a fav!)
If one knows Nashville well, one must know about Monells, they have 3 locations, my favorite is the original in Germantown since 1905.
So much awesome history in this area/neighborhood.
After a Family Style lunch with 9 people gathered around a large table, ladened with meats, breads, salads, dessert, tea, and lemonade….we chose to stroll a lot!
In and out of many individual shops…one of my favorites is the Galena Garlic Company which has its home base/farm in Galen, IL.
My first introduction to the company was the store in Madison, IN. (a fabulous little river town.)
When you get the chance, do go! (for a day or a week, you’ll never see it all!)