We all know or should…how the media and advertising heads can take any idea or thought and spin it quickly into a rave that runs viral through society for decades.
Artificial sweeteners are prime examples…
Splenda…..used by a vast numbers of people with expectations of avoiding calories and other fallout of sugar…..but do you know…
One small packet of Splenda instantly kills off 50% of the good microbes in the gut. Add to that all the other negatives from an unbalanced diet and the gut ends up totally sick and not working…Leaky gut , digestive issues, heartburn, acid reflux, low to no energy, bad complexion….most all the issues we see running rampant through the masses today are directly related to the diet.
There are alternatives to refined white sugar without opting for the artificial ones…Raw honey, agave, pure maple syrup, Black Molasses and Stevia.
The largest concentration of artificial sweeteners are found in pre-packaged processed foods, fast food, colas and commercial baked goods….bar candy of all description is loaded with a plethora of artificial ingredients, cereals are another heavy laden item …..read labels before purchasing!
Many of these items are marketed heavily to children…they deserve better…as we all do!!