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Bea’s Buzz…must be Monday

Day’s Of Rain And Roses~


Doesn’t quite bring the urge to dance as the old and lovely song of   “Day’s Of Wine And Roses.” That’s for another day 🙂

Roses can be simple and uncomplicated or, they can be a royal pain in the gardeners upkeep log.

I have learned a few tricks ( facts ) that will lessen the risk of unwanted issues.

If you mulch around your roses during the winter months, and you get a lot of rain…it is a good idea from time to time to pull back the mulch and allow the soil to breathe and dry out a bit.

Mulch can and does invite insects and critters to set up a warm and cozy retreat during the colder time of year.

Too much wet mulch can cause mildew and rot…so keep a close watch on your rose gardens during the winter, and especially during rainy months.

This is the time to bone up on rose gardening do’s and donts …we often forget that each species may and often times do, require different types of care.

Know your roses and your success will flourish.

And yes, roses are in the herb family. Nothing as good as a cup of Rose Hip Tea.

Stay tuned…I’ll be doing a series of “Rose Articles” through the remaining month of January.  We have plenty of time to study, share, and learn…**do nothing for, or to, your roses until April….**

Hope to see you right here for the “Rose Stroll”…I’ll be posting Monday’s and Thursday’s-chime in anytime, ask questions, offer your ideas and practices…it’s free, educational and fun~

2 Replies to “Sage Hill Rose Stroll of January~”

  1. avatar

    I love roses. I particularly like the scent of the older varieties and beauty of the blooms. I also like the smell of rose oil when I go to bed. Enjoy your roses

  2. avatar

    Thank you Heather, you’ve got it under control! Rose oil at bedtime is a very calming way to induce and benefit from good sleep.

    I’m looking forward to the bloom season!

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