Another great American-owned company…(all product info is easily found under the product.)
Today, Sunday-January 8-2023…Perfect day for a Day trip.
Dark, and rainy, cold but not brutal…it was doable!
But where….I tossed a few names into the hat (actually just a little glass bowl!) and drew….
Lynnville, Tennessee (population between 4 and 500, absolutely no traffic jams!
It is like going back to the 50s!
Home to the best pies in all the land-
Soda Pop Junction, the ultimate 50s burger spot since 1938.
World-renowned Col Littleton’s Leather Company (love this place!)
An old railroad town with artifacts that tell the story.
The drive from here to there is as pleasing as the destination.
Tags from Tennessee, Alabama, Indiana, and KY, good news travels afar!