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Dessert Recipes from Sage Hill Farms

Apricot/Lemon Family Cake

1/2 cup real butter, softened
2 cups honey (or sugar)
7 large eggs,separated
3 cups-sifted cake flour (I use unbleached)
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup Apricot nectar (not juice)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Beat butter with electric mixer for 2 minutes/til creamy
Slowly add honey or sugar -beating 5 to 7 minutes

Beat egg yolks lightly, add to butter mixture and beat til blended

Combine flour, baking powder and salt, add to mixture alternately with apricot nectar…
beginning and ending with flour mixture-beat at low speed until blended after each addition
stir in vanilla

Beat egg whites at high speed until foamy, reduce speed and beat until peaks form
Fold egg white into batter-
Spoon batter into a greased and floured 12 cup Bundt pan or a 10″ tube pan (I use the Tube pan)

Bake at 350 for 40 minutes (I use a Convection oven and bake time is a little less.)

When cake is done…place on a double layer of damp cloth towels-press around sides of pan and let stand 10 to 15 minutes

Remove from pan and allow to cool completely~
Lemon Drizzle for topping

1 cup confectionery sugar
Juice of 1 or 2 fresh lemons (mix slowly and adjust as needed)

Topping needs to be thick enough to not drip heavily onto the cake plate.

(This cake is delicious served with slightly melted butter or Lemon Curd…)

Hope your family enjoys as much as mine!

Coconut Cookies
The fat-burning coconut cookies you can eat for breakfast to boost your metabolism.

1.5 cups of shredded coconut flakes
½ cup of sunflower seeds
½ cup of high-quality protein powder
1/4 cup of honey
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
1/8 cup of water

1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.

2. Roughly chop sunflower seeds or other nuts you may wish to use in the blender until broken up into chunks. Note: I used sunflower seeds and did not chop them.

3. Place all ingredients into a bowl and stir together, if you notice that it is too crumbly than try adding in another tablespoon of coconut oil and possibly more water. Place cookies onto a cookie tray. Note: I put the mixture into a small rectangle glass pan and cooked for 20 minutes.

4. Gently press the cookies down to flatten. Note: Used the back of my spoon to flatten into pan.

5. Bake for about 15 minutes. Note: I baked for 20 minutes. Makes about 18 cookies.

Additional Notes:
• Can use 2 cups coconut shreds if you do not have/want sunflower seeds.
• Can use any other kind of nut or seed
• You can use any flavored or unflavored protein powder to change up the flavor.
• These turned out really chewy and yummy and VERY filling. They did not cut well so I pulled them apart for rustic cookies.

Peach (fruit) Tart

2 cups peeled/chopped/sliced fresh peaches (half berries/half peaches if desired)
3/4 cup honey or 1/4 cup raw sugar
1/2 cup real butter (melted)
3/4 cup unbleached flour
1/2 cup raw sugar
2 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup buttermilk (if you don’t have buttermilk you can mix 2 Tbs white vinegar in a cup of whole milk-allow to curdle 2-3 minutes)

Toss the fruit and honey or sugar in a bowl

Melt butter in a shallow baking dish

Mix flour, 1/2 cup sugar and baking powder in a bowl
Stir in the buttermilk

Spoon the flour mixture into the baking dish evenly and top with fruit ( Do Not Stir)

Bake at 300 in a Convection oven for 1 hour

Bake at 325 in a regular oven for 1 hour (pre-heat)

Depending on your oven maybe a little longer or a little less time will be needed…

Brown, crispy around the edges and bubbly will be the sign it is done!

Serve with heavy cream, ice cream, or frozen yogurt….

***I add a small dash of salt and a dash of cayenne pepper to the peaches…personal preference***

Sage Hill’s Baked Apple Turnovers
Makes 12 to 14…depending on the size of your cutter….

grease 2 cookie sheets with 1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 cups unbleached-all purpose flour
pinch of Sea Salt
3 tablespoons of Agava (can use sugar)
1 tablespoon baking powder
3/4 cups coconut oil or (3/4 cups cold, real butter-cut into small pieces)
1/2 cup buttermilk
3 baking apples, peeled, cored,and quartered
(I use dried apples slightly pre-cooked) Either works fine

Pre-heat oven to 350

Combine flour, salt, 2 tablespoons Agava (sugar), and baking powder

Mix in coconut oil or butter with your fingers

Add buttermilk and work into a dough

Roll out the dough and cut into 12 circles or more

Place an apple slice on each circle-fold dough over the apple and pinch together with a fork

Sprinkle a dusting of raw sugar over the top and bake 30 to 40 minutes until your choice of brown.


Makes about 4 dozen – depending on your size preference.1 cup real butter
1/2 tsp ground mace
1/4 tsp ground cloves
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup honey or raw sugar
1 large egg yolk
2-1/2 cups sifted all purpose flour
Whole cloves
Sifted confectioner’s sugar

Combine the first 4 ingredients. Gradually blend in the sugar.
Beat in the egg yolk.

Gradually stir in the flour. Chill dough one hour until it is stiff enough to handle.

Shape into 1 inch balls. Place 1 inch apart on ungreased cookie sheets.

Insert a whole clove in the center of each.Bake in a pre-heated oven at 325* for about 20 minutes (until lightly brown)
Do not over bake

Roll in powdered sugar and store in an airtight container.

Good with hot Apple Cider!

Melon & Herb Sorbet

4 cups seedless melon chunks (watermelon, cantaloupe, or honeydew)
2 lemons or 3 limes (juiced) about 6 Tablespoons
4 5” sprigs leafy herbs (basil or thyme) or 2 teaspoons crushed , fresh-lavender flowers.
1 cup of pure cane sugar (no substitute for this recipe)
2/3 cups water
1 Tablespoon honey
1/8 teaspoon sea salt

In a processor or blender, combine melon with half the citrus juice, cover and process or blend until smooth.

Transfer to a bowl and set aside.

In a small saucepan combine herbs, sugar, water, remaining citrus juice, honey, and salt.

Bring to boiling, reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes, stirring often enough to avoid sticking to pan.

Strain herb mixture into melon puree.

Place bowl over a container of ice-water, stir for several minutes or until mixture has chilled.

Cover and refrigerate for 2 to 4 hours.

Transfer chilled mixture to 1 or 2 quart ice cream freezer and freeze according to makers instructions.

Store-covered-in freezer.

If you don’t have any kind of ice cream freezer-use a pan and cover mixture and allow to freeze to your liking. The consistency will be different, but still delicious.

Bea’s Golden Fruitcakes~

If you use organic ingredients in this recipe, it will be as healthy as a dessert can be. Low in fat, and calories are about 145 per slice.

This is not your yesterday’s fruitcake!

6 cups-finely chopped dried fruit-your choice (apricots, apples, raisins, cherries, cranberries and pears…mix as you like -all or one or two.)
1 – ½ cups chopped walnuts
1 -¾ cups good brandy
½ cup unsalted butter (room temp)
¾ cups -packed- light brown sugar
3 large eggs-lightly beaten
1 – ½ cups All-Purpose flour (I use unbleached)
1-½ tsp sea salt
¾ tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp ground cardamom
¼ tsp ground clove
½ cup apricot jam-for topping (warmed)

In a large glass bowl, combine dried fruit, walnuts, and 1&¼ cups of brandy.

Cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 8 hours or all day-stir occasionally.

Cream butter and sugar in a large bowl using an electric mixer until light and fluffy.

Beat in eggs, one at a time- scraping bowl down between additions.

In another bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, and spices.

On low speed, beat in flour mixture in two additions – scraping bowl in-between.

Fold fruit mixture into batter.

Pre-heat oven to 300*

If using mini muffin pans drop one rounded Tbsp of batter to each tin (paper liners work well also.) For other size pans fill 2/3 full.

Bake until toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean…about 25 to 30 minutes for mini tins, 5 to 10 minutes longer for larger pans.

**When using more than two pans in the oven at once-rotate them about halfway through the baking time.

Brush cakes with ½ cup of brandy when done. Transfer to a wire rack for cooling.

Store in the refrigerator, wrapped or covered well for up to a month.

Brush with warm apricot jam before serving.

Coconut Panna Cotta

Fruit Topping
4 ripe figs
1 tablespoon honey
For the panna cotta:
1 teaspoon unflavored powdered gelatin
2 teaspoons cold water
1 cup canned, full-fat coconut milk
2 tablespoons honey
⅛ teaspoon fine sea salt

1. Make the fruit topping: Wash, trim, and quarter the figs. Cover them with the honey, stir, and let them marinate for at least 1 hour, but up to 1 day.

2. Add the gelatin and cold water to a small bowl. Stir to dissolve the gelatin, then let it rest for 5 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, in a 2-quart saucepan, heat the coconut milk, honey, and salt. Taste the mixture and adjust it to your taste — more honey, more salt, perhaps a little vanilla extract? It’s your call.

4. Bring the coconut milk almost to a boil — steam will rise quickly from the surface, and you might see a few bubbles around the edge of the pan.

5. Remove the pan from the heat.

6. Add the gelatin to the coconut mixture and whisk vigorously.

7. Pour the mixture evenly into two glasses, cover, and let set in the fridge for at least 4 hours or up to 48 hours in advance.

8. Serve with the honey-soaked figs.

Marmalade Pound Cake
This is an old British recipe in the finest of traditions.

1 pound unsalted butter
2 cups of honey…or 2 cups unrefined pure cane sugar
8 eggs, separated, whites beaten stiffly
1/2 cup thin shredded orange marmalade
1 tbsp brandy
1/4 tsp salt
4 cups cake flour

Pre-heat oven to 300*

In a mixing bowl, cream together butter and sugar until light and fluffy. One at a time beat in egg yolks until well blended.

Beat in marmalade, brandy, and salt. Gradually add and beat in flour.
Fold in egg whites.

Pour batter into 3 buttered and floured 8-inch loaf pans and bake until golden and springy to the touch. (About 1 hour and 15 minutes.)

Pumpkin Cheesecake w/Goat-Cheese

1 cup almond flour
1/2 cup almonds (crushed)
1/4 cup coconut sugar
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon
3 TBSP real butter
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp nutmeg
8 oz organic chev’re goat cheese
1-1/4 cups coconut sugar
16 oz organic cream cheese
1-1/4 cup pumpkin ( organic if using canned)
3/4 cups organic goat milk
3 free range/organic eggs
1-1/2 tsp pure vanilla

1/4 tsp sea salt

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  2. Mix almond flour, crushed almonds, 1/4 cup coconut sugar, baking soda, and 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon together in a bowl
  3. Stir in butter until almond mixture is even. Pour almond mixture into a 10-inch springform pan and press firmly into the bottom.
  4. Bake until crust is set, about 10 minutes.
  5. In a separate bowl, beat together goat cheese and 1 1/2 cups coconut sugar.
  6. Add in cream cheese and beat for 1 minute. Add remaining ingredients and beat until mixture is very smooth, about 20 more minutes.
  7. Transfer batter to prepared pan and bake on a rack positioned in middle of oven for about 1 hour, 15 minutes or until cake is set.
  8. Allow it to cool completely. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 4-5 hours.

Cashews and Coconut Chews

2/3 cups unsweetened coconut
6 ounces pineapple juice
1 Tbsp sesame tahini
2 Tbsp maple syrup (optional)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp powdered stevia extract
1/2 cup coarsely ground raw cashews
Scant 2/3 cups pastry flour

Preheat oven to 350*
Oil a cookie sheet

Soak the coconut in the pineapple juice

Cream together the tahini, syrup, vanilla, and Stevia in a mixing bowl
Stir in the soaked coconut and ground cashews

Mix in the flour

Drop the batter by spoonfuls onto an oiled cookie sheet
Leave the drops dome shaped

Bake for 25 minutes

Cool and enjoy!

Bea’s Pumpkin Soufflé

3 egg whites
1 (21 ounce) cans pumpkin
1/4 cup raw honey, stevia, or Raw sugar
3 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 egg yolk
1/2 cup milk

Preheat oven to 380

Beat egg whites in medium bowl until stiff. Set aside.

Using electric mixer, blend pumpkin, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, egg yolk and milk in large bowl.

Fold 1/3 of egg whites into pumpkin blend. Continue to fold in egg whites 1/3 at a time until egg whites are completely folded inches.
Have small ramekins ready with wax paper placed around edges and inside.
Pour pumpkin/egg mix into cups until almost full (leave about a half inch or more at the top as they will rise).
Place cups on baking tray and put into oven.
Bake for 30-45 minutes


Top with whipping cream/ice cream, drizzled honey, nuts, cinnamon/nutmeg or any other desired toppings.

It’s comfort food and then some

Old Fashion Banana Pudding

4 to 6 firm Organic bananas
1 box of Vanilla Wafers (read label for high fructose corn syrup-)
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup or less unrefined raw sugar
2 cups whole milk
3 beaten egg yolks (save whites for topping)
sea salt
2 Tbsp. real butter
Vanilla extract (real stuff)
Cream of Tarter

In a double boiler with the bottom about 1/4 full of water…bring water to a boil-in the top section– add flour and sugar and mix well-no lumps. Place over the boiling water and add a dash of salt and the 2 cups of milk.

Cook and stir until it just starts to thicken.

Remove from the burner and add a few spoons of the mixture to the beaten egg yolks…do this a few times until the egg is tempered to the sauce. Add egg to sauce using a whisk to blend well.
Cook 2 minutes-add 1 tsp. pure vanilla and 2 Tbsp. real butter.

You want the sauce to be slightly runny…the wafers will adjust it to a desired state.

Beat egg whites (always in a glass container) add 1 tsp. vanilla and 1 tsp. Cream of Tarter and just a small amount of sugar…beat in and set aside.

In a dish of choice layer…wafers, bananas, sauce…you should have 2 or 3 layers depending on container size.

Last /top layer should be pudding…add egg whites and a sprinkling of crushed wafers if desired…

Stick under the broiler just until slightly brown…watch carefully and don’t burn it.

Oregano Oaties

1-full cup of whole-grain flour…extra for sprinkling generously
1/2 cup of oat flakes
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of real salt
1 tsp dried oregano
1/3 cup real butter
3 tbsp milkIn a bowl mix the flour, oats, baking powder, salt, and oregano.Rub in the butter until the mixture is like fine bread crumbs, slowly stir in the milk using a fork until the mixture is well worked together.

Sprinkle flour on a clean counter and roll out the dough to 1/4′ thickness

Using a pastry cutter, cut cookies to desired size and bake on a greased cookie sheet for 20-25 minutes, cool on a wire rack and transfer to an airtight container.

If you want a milder, sweeter taste use sesame seeds instead of the oats.
These are not only delicious but healthy too.

These are good with a spread of
Honey Butter

4 Tablespoons of real butter-more or less according to need)
1 Tablespoon local honey
Blend until smooth

Spread on cookies as eaten.

Bea’s Chocolate Cup
4 to 6 servings

2 squares (2oz’s) unsweetened chocolate
1/4 cup sugar (or to taste with Stevia, Agave, or Honey)
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
A few shakes of ground Cayenne Pepper (very light shakes)
1 cup hot water
1 cup hot strong coffee
2 cups hot milk
1-1/2 tsp vanilla

Melt chocolate over hot water in the top of a double boiler.

Add the next 4 ingredients.
Stir in 1/4 cup of water and cook over direct med/low heat for 30 seconds.

Add remaining water, coffee, and milk.
Cook only until hot, stirring to keep skim from forming over the top.

Add vanilla. Serve hot

Rice Pudding
Serves 8 to 10

1 cup aromatic rice
2 cups water
pinch of sea salt
2 cups almonds, blanched
1 cup water
3-4 cups milk (I use Almond)
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon each: cinnamon, cardamom, and clove powder
A few strands of Saffron is optional
1/2 cup seedless raisins
1/2 cup cashews (optional)

Wash rice ad drain. Combine with water and salt and bring to a boil. Lower the heat, cover, and simmer until the rice is soft and the water is absorbed.

Place the bleached almonds in a blender with 1 cup of water and process to a smooth, thick liquid. (You may need to process in batches.)

Add the almond mash to the rice in a pot with the milk and place over medium low heat. Cook for 10 to 15 minutes, stirring out any lumps and adding more milk or water if needed to prevent from scorching.

Reduce heat to low, add the remaining ingredients and cook, stirring often for 20 to 30 minutes more.

Taste for sweetness and add more maple syrup if you like.

Serve warm or cool.