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Birthday’s…are important, they are the cornerstone from  where we come , where we are and where we will be in the future….
They are the heartbeat, the tear-drops, the laughter …the core….

I have spent 34 years of my life in the setting  called a farm…as a young child until the age of 18…and now…the gardens and I find ourselves closing out 17 years together

I know in the deepest recesses of my being…the last two decades of my life have  been a silent tribute to the first 2 decades…those years in between were/are the candles on the cake!!

Thank you….to my family, my children, friends, clients….Celebrate with us…life is a gift…Sage Hill is on holiday (no more commercial production)
I, on the other hand…have only just begun!!  Wanna dance??

2 Replies to “Happy Birthday Sage Hill Gardens~”

  1. avatar

    Hey Bea, sure wish you were a tad closer to Peachtree City, GA. I’d have you give me some tips on my yard.
    It’s good to see you again

    1. avatar

      Thank you Arlon…I would be pleased to help if I could!

      Good to connect with you again!

      I’ve heard a lot about Peachtree…

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