Sustainable to a generational farmer is something totally different from the buzz word “sustainable” in today’s new world manipulation of green, climate change and other alterations designed to herd us somewhere we don’t need to go.
That being understood ….using what we have in a manner for good without doing harm in the process and will benefit the coming generations….Sustainable goes hand-n-hand with Seasonal Eating.
Foods grown in our local region can be preserved by ; canning, freezing, or dehydrating/drying and add value to in season eating, even though the food in question is out of the normal growing season.
The key is knowing it is locally grown..local being within a 100 mile or so of our own location.
Fruits and berries fall into this category for me….each requires a little something different…Pears were on my list this week and so simple to do.
Recipe for freezing…
Wash, peel and core pears.
Leave in halves or slice.
Treat with a fruit powder or lemon juice to prevent darkening.
Prepare a sugar syrup according to taste…light, medium or heavy..
I use the light….1/2 cup or less raw sugar to 5 quarts water.
(adjust according to amount of pears being used.) this recipe was perfect for 5 quart size containers.
Allow pears and liquid to cool…
Pack pears in freezer containers and pour the syrup over enough to cover.
Label and freeze…
Simply Good!!