Birthday’s…are important, they are the cornerstone from where we come , where we are and where we will be in the future….
They are the heartbeat, the tear-drops, the laughter …the core….
I have spent 34 years of my life in the setting called a farm…as a young child until the age of 18…and now…the gardens and I find ourselves closing out 17 years together
I know in the deepest recesses of my being…the last two decades of my life have been a silent tribute to the first 2 decades…those years in between were/are the candles on the cake!!
Thank you….to my family, my children, friends, clients….Celebrate with us…life is a gift…Sage Hill is on holiday (no more commercial production)
I, on the other hand…have only just begun!! Wanna dance??
Can We Get There From Here?

I sometimes enjoy sharing “cool stuff” I find in my reading or traveling. I found this in the news magazine “Mother Jones”… (I first shared it in 2008)
I think it points out the fact that we need to take more control over our health decisions. Change some habits, take a hard look at our diets, our food sources, and make radical changes.
This is the text of the article from Mother Jones…
Do You Care About Your Health?
According to a report from the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine, avoidable medical mistakes are the eighth leading cause of death in the United States, ahead of car accidents, breast cancer, and AIDS.
There is no legal limit on the number of hours a physician can work in a 24-hour period. 70% of surgeons do not believe that fatigue affects their performance in the operating room.
In a recent year, there were an estimated 44,000 to 98,000 avoidable patient deaths in American health care.
There are no federal laws requiring hospitals to report deaths and injuries to patients caused by error.
**Some of these stats may have changed since published date**
Sure makes me look closer at other options!
To Your Good Health!~~
2019 can be YOUR year to take control and be all you are meant to be.
Just Do It!
Herbs, Home and History~
Nothing more patriotic than home embraced….
Those who know me well know I’m an avid history buff…the more ancient the times, the more intense the interest.
I found this to be a very calming bit to know.
In Victorian times the seeds of Fennel came to symbolize the virtue of strength.
(a patriotic truth.)
At one time , fennel seeds were combined with those of Dill and Caraway in little sacks or purses, to be chewed at prayer meetings to quell hunger pangs; they were
known as “meeting seeds.”
Fennel is a self sowing herb valued for it’s distinctive aroma.
The leaves have an aniseed aroma.
I make this wonderful cleanser for my skin a couple of times a week during the winter.
1 tablespoon fennel seed
8 ounces of boiling water
1 teaspoon local honey
2 tablespoons buttermilk
Lightly crush the fennel seeds,
place in the boiling water and allow to infuse for 30 minutes.
Strain the cool liquid into a small bowl, add honey and buttermilk.
Put into a clean bottle and keep in the frig.
Used once or twice a day this will last about a week.
Rub over face and neck or the whole body…leave on for a few minutes and gently rinse away with a soft cloth and warm water.
Leaves the skin silky, clean, and delicious smelling.
(our body is a temple, on loan…treat it with love and respect.)
This makes a lovely wash for children and small babies.
(parents, treat your children like precious jewels…for they surely are)
Little girls adore it and it’s just bold enough that little boys don’t think it’s to girlie.
Enjoy-pamper yourself and your children~
Eat together, sit by the fire, read good books (including the Bible)
Sing, tell stories, laugh and fly the flag high and proud.
A great new year is waiting in the wings….make it a full fledged Patriotic one!!
January 1-2018…it can happen!!
January is a lovely month in my eyes, I love the cold and the snow. I love the trees with no leaves. I love the promise you can find if you look under the dead and dying
plants, little lives in the making just waiting to be warmed and nourished and given permission to grow.
Most of the year in middle Tennessee I see green rolling hills when I look out my windows, and that’s a lovely picture always, but to see those rolling hills covered in snow and grey low-hanging sky–it sends a message to slow down and re-group for the coming months. I like that reminder!
About the herb garden in January-Where you are located has a major impact on what you can do now. Here in the middle south, we just kinda relax, read good books (mostly about growing things, enjoy the things we stored from last years harvest and wait for spring.)
If you were going to plant garlic for a crop this coming summer, it should already be in the ground. However, if you missed that window, plant in the early spring and harvest in the late fall.
Remember also if your growing herbs inside, they need to be in a location that gives them at least a half-day of sun and or light. I’m not a real supporter of growing inside, just too many problems, requires a lot of tending in order to have good strong healthy plants. But if you’re willing to put in the time, and the interest is strong enough to push you to gain the knowledge, it can be rewarding.
I love doing things as natural and with the least amount of resistant’s as possible.
So, I’ll stick to the outside growing.
For those of you who have ask, No, I will not be growing any items for sale in the coming year….it is time to close the garden gate to retail…and so it is done.
Please feel free to visit (check first to confirm I’m in!!) the website is still stocked with awesome information and classes can be scheduled by appointment.
Have a request? Send it along. I will respond in a timely fashion.
Remember your feathered friends during these cold months. Keep plenty of fresh water and bird seed and suet out and you’ll be blessed with beautiful birds all winter.
Sending each and all the most prosperous wishes for the coming year.
Eat Well-Be Well in 2019.
Almost finished with phase 1 …flooring…a few trim-sets to go and then phase II..stairs will be last on the list…Regardless, my next move is color and update/replacement of furnishings….nothing major…(love my stuff!)
Before and After… office, guest bedroom and hallway
Walls are a mystique shade of lavender , reflects different shades of same with changing light exposure. Can and does go from the lightest shade of lavender to the lightest shade of gray….these walls will stay as they are….washed and polished…still good…
Walls on the downstairs will get new paint…. ( staying with the Cape Cod design colors.
Doorplates still to go down.
Next…Colors!! Gonna be fun!! Stay tuned…
Carpet is out, wood flooring is down in the guest bedroom….hallway and closets tomorrow…
A deep, rich American Walnut
I’m loving it … full room view later
The makeover has begun…..Oh my…going to be a noisy one for a few days…
Today was the first day of removing upstairs carpet…tomorrow the first hardwood will go down…a beautiful rich walnut in the guest bedroom and my office…separated by a full bath and hallway….wood for the hallway also…bath has slate tile so that will stay.
Some pics of the carpet being removed.
I have so enjoyed this flooring…it’s an old world design and part wool…
Many years of great service but it is time to go….No carpet downstairs, so this is it for flooring change. (Yippie)
Oh…except the stairway…those too will be converted to wood….
This last week has been a wonderful Independence Day Retreat for me…
Lot’s of family time, friends, and “me” time!
I feel blessed and refreshed…
Today was a welcome back work schedule…..
This Bread&Butter pickle recipe goes back generations in my mothers family….probably yours also.
God Bless America… Another birthday to be grateful for!
Thank you Lord for family and B&B Pickles!
I had a light bulb moment early this AM…I’ve looked through so many gorgeous colors and shades of those colors…my head is now full of paint pictures and swimming in …Indecisiveness!
However, I think I’ve hit on a solution….What is your thought on this idea?
I will use the color pallet of my personal style…( wardrobe, skin colors etc.) to design the pallet for Sage Hill House…of course inside these colors are many variations of shading…….
It’s a new option and one I like…now to make it fit!!
Spring is all about …renewal…
Lighter/brighter …warmer days…cool nights….
Suddenly it is a sparkling new season!
Why not start the journey with a lighter, brighter, sparkling…”you!”
Think about this…our first thought is Spring clean the house, the garden, work space…
Why not Spring clean the body!
A simple detox for a week is akin to sweeping the house of all clutter!
These blends used on a regular basis (once, twice, three times a week)
support the lymphatic system as well as the kidneys and liver.
(My two favorite Essential oil blends for deep, but easy and no stress on the system.)
Detox blend…
4 drops lemon oil
4 drops grapefruit oil
4 drops angelica root oil
Add to 4 tsp of base or carrier oil such as Almond…
Detox blend…
5 drops grapefruit
5 drops sweet fennel
2 drops carrot seed
Ass to 4 tsp of base or carrier oil such as Almond….
Massage into the soles of the feet and pulse points such as wrist, bends of the knees, palms of the hands, temples and back of the neck.
Add 10 drops to your bath…(warm to slightly hot)
A sauna bath is excellent a few minutes after applying the oils.
***Important***Drink plenty of water while detoxing (Spring or Mineral water)…regardless what method is used…otherwise you have swept up the toxins and left the in the middle of the house to redistribute!
TIP: Add to the detox routine the habit of drinking a good sleep support tea about 10 minutes prior to bedtime….Chamomile is the best….