We’ve all heard…eat blueberries, blueberries are powerful, blueberries are super-food……
Well, exactly what is it with blueberries anyway?
Simply stated..blueberries enhance the brain…total and complete brain health.
1…Blueberries increase brain activity
2…Improve blood-flow to the grey-matter brain region
3…Improves working memory
4…Enhance cognition
The downside to blueberries are….firstly, they are very expensive and many can’t afford to eat them often enough to make a difference.
They have a short shelf life…often they are already declining before leaving the market shelf.
The Answer to that is….Blueberry Extract…very cost-effective way of getting the benefits of the active components…a supplement you can afford to take daily…
Your brain will thank you…when you do find nice, fat, juicy and fresh ones …scoop them up, take them home and indulge!
We only get one brain…use it!!