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10553421_324060444467123_5326136477975057857_nBliss comes in many different forms, through many different channels, and for many different reasons.

If we are proud of our professions, accomplishments, our family, and our homes…we happily stand up and claim the accolades that are often bestowed upon us as being, at least in part, responsible for the results.

Should we not be just as proud, with a huge dose of thankfulness, for Jesus Christ, the one who listens, guides( if we listen) and forgives ( when we don’t.)

The journey is the focus, the destination will adjust accordingly .

As humans we will take many paths in search of the needs that come with being “human.”

Ask, and ye shall receive…understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness.

Not just once…but once a day, every day, for all our days.

Embrace the gift~