Most don’t live in real-life castles, however, don’t doubt that we have a few!!
My home ground, where my deepest roots and earliest memories of life are stationary. Sweet Home Alabama…words that ring my bell…be it Christmas or a stroll in the Sipsey Wilderness! (my birthplace)
For different reasons this year, and little to do with the COVID demon, we are not one big grouping. However, we have had smaller visits, and special they were/are.
Yesterday I made my way south to drop Christmas goodies to my eldest son/family…my son and his eldest were at work, so I’m sharing this pic instead of a live shot…made by the younger one of the clan…a seasoned part-time/freelance photographer…while he works through Nursing school!
Quite talented and innovative young man.
The drive was gorgeously winter, the traffic was heavy?? People are going somewhere! The coffee and home-baked cookies were delicious…hugs warm and knowing.
Family…the best security we have.
Tis the Season…to cherish family!