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Fennel….natural skin wash for adults and children

1 tablespoon fennel seedFennel
8 ounces of boiling water
1 teaspoon local honey
2 tablespoons buttermilk

Lightly crush the fennel seeds,
place in the boiling water and remove from heat-allow to infuse for 30 minutes.

Strain the cool liquid into a small bowl, add honey and buttermilk.
Put into a clean bottle and keep in the frig.

Used once or twice a day this will last about a week.

Rub over face and neck or the whole body…leave on for a few minutes and gently rinse away with a soft cloth and warm water.

Leaves the skin silky, clean, and delicious smelling.

This makes a lovely wash for children and small babies.

Little girls adore it and it’s just bold enough that little boys don’t think it’s to girlie.

Enjoy-pamper yourself and your children~

Shame on me…Christmas came and was highly active and enjoyed…and not one word here…Since I’m not big on excuses…I’ll just say…Christmas was absolutely wonderful, richly blessed with family, good food, great friends, and most of all the birthday celebration of our Lord and Savior….

The New Year is well underway and yet again I’m running less than on time!  Ohhhh, but what a fabulous New Year it is shaping up to be…just watch and know….


Consequences of drinking cold water

Iced water shrinks the blood vessels in the digestive tract. The digestive system becomes restricted and there is no hydration.

Your body spends energy to regulate the temperature after you drink cold water, so the digestive tract has no energy to digest the food and absorb the nutrients. Water loss also happens.

Excess mucus is created inside of the body when drinking iced water after eating. This affects the proper function of the immune system and the chances of catching a cold or some other illness increase.

Drinking cold water and other beverages while eating or after eating can make you fat. The body has no ability to digest the unnecessary fats so they remain in the body.

Even though some people believe that cold water promotes the function of the digestive tract and it can burn more calories, this is not true. Our digestive system should work as easy as possible. We should not overload it with work.

Warm water benefits

Here are the benefits of drinking room temperature water or even warmer water:

>Faster hydration
>Digestion enhancement since there is a stimulation of the digestive enzymes
>Easier food break down
>Improved movement through the bowels (drink a mix of warm water and lemon in the morning)
>Purification of the blood
>Improvement of the natural detoxification through the lymphatic system, skin and kidneys

You will notice the benefits of drinking warm water when you get used to it. Even the sugar cravings may disappear.

Daniel Webster was considered one of the greatest orators in American history. He was a famous attorney, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and then the U.S. Senate. He served as Secretary of State for three Presidents.

Webster was also a fervent Christian.

He made this statement regarding the importance of the Christian faith in preserving and prospering America.

~If religious books are not widely circulated among the masses in this country, I do not know what is going to become of us as a nation.

If truth be not diffused, error will be; If God and His Word are not known and received, the devil and his works will gain the ascendancy; If the evangelical volume does not reach every hamlet, the pages of a corrupt and licentious literature will;If the power of the Gospel is not felt throughout the length and breadth of the land, anarchy and misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and darkness will will reign without mitigation or end.

I had this conversation at my dining room table with friends in 1999, discussing the threat of removing certain religious books from public places. I read and quoted the message above…how utterly frightening it is to look back and see so clearly how accurate the message is…look around…what do you see ?

A Toast To Daniel Webster

Holiday Planning~

With 9 days until Thanksgiving-39 days until Christmas…

Now is the time to plan, we can’t have a Blissful season without some consideration to…. what will, what can, what we wish to happen…

I start with a pen and note pad…one that fits in my purse or briefcase-

jotting down little things that are usually the forgotten elements to any event…extra items like candles, batteries, tape, paper, ribbon, little gifts…a book anyone would like, a bag of tea, little soaps filled with essential oils…So…. necessary things and fun things.

A list of people expected during the holiday season.

What, where, and how you will be hosting…

Your wardrobe….make it elegant regardless the theme of the show!!

Home…make certain the entrance and surrounding areas are warm and inviting.

Aroma’s from inside should be scented with natural and healthy options, fruits, essential oils, woodsy elements from outside…cedar, rosemary, eucalyptus and pine…nothing better!

My personal plan is to always have a check list and have it cleared by two days prior to “the” day…use those two days for tweaking and self pampering…
Any holiday without the element of Bliss is less than nourishing for the reason of…


Dr. Suzanne Humphries, author of Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History, is a nephrologist who has committed the latter part of her medical career to exposing the “lost history” of vaccinations.

Barbara Loe Fisher of NVIC commented that this is one of the rare books that conducted in-depth research documenting the medical history related to mass vaccination programs and infectious diseases.

If you only read one book for the rest of your life…Make it this book!

I have conducted intensive research into the earliest documented information on Vaccines….The Power of Propaganda has been a tool of political power since the beginning of time…never more powerful in the results desired than today.

Others have written and documented this info so much better than I could, one of those places /people is Dr. Joseph Mercola ….!

There is a dark and horrific history to vaccines, we think it is bad today, it does not compare to some history that has been well downplayed/hidden…until the age of “now.”  We are a short step away from revisiting that ugly and deadly part of history…Wake up, read the book, do your own research…take charge of your life…Or…someone else will!

Sage Hill~
Thursday’s Thought…Think about this…Every time the political power in charge feels they are losing control, we see an sudden outbreak of some deadly virus…what comes after the initial scare?…the magic bullet…a Vaccine…

Today, we have a power struggle where it appears the one side is losing control…and…today we have a headline of a mysterious illness breaking out in children that may cause paralyzes…very similar to Polio !!

Now, stop and think back over the last few months, how many major issues, frightening threats and outbreaks have we seen?  Think again…as soon as some other issue is settled, some under the table deal is completed…it all goes away never to visited again…well, until the need arises.



Sugar. Baked inside a gooey-chewy, chocolate chip cookie, in your fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt, or hidden in seemingly healthy salad dressing, it’s in our lives for the long-haul.

At 15 calories per teaspoon, it’s easy to over indulge—especially when sugar hides in so many foods and drinks. If you’re counting calories or limiting carbs these natural sugar substitutes will satisfy your sweet tooth while providing additional nutritional value.

1. Coconut Palm Sugar

Coconut palm sugar is made from the sap extracted from coconut trees then boiled and dehydrated into fine sugar crystals. It has the appearance and taste of brown sugar. Coconut palm sugar has the same amount of carbs and calories as regular sugar (sorry, no way around that), but because of the refining process, the sap retains several of its key vitamins including Potassium, Zinc, and Vitamin C; making coconut palm sugar a more nutrient-rich option than the empty calories of white sugar.

You can use coconut palm sugar in just about anything. It’s a good substitute when baking, and tastes amazing in cookies, sweet breads, and pies.

2. Agave Syrup

Agave syrup comes from the agave plant, a succulent related to the yucca. Agave’s been harvested for centuries. Its syrup has a low-glycemic index, which means it won’t cause a sharp spike in your body’s blood sugar levels.

Agave can be substituted for sugar in most recipes. It’s exceptionally sweet, so you won’t need as much to achieve to same level of sweetness as you would with sugar. In recipes, substitute about 1/3 of a cup of agave syrup for every one cup of sugar. It also goes well in tea and coffee—and, you’ll only need a small drop.

3. Raw Honey

To achieve its beautiful, Winnie the Pooh-approved golden radiance and smooth texture, most honey is processed. Nutritionally, it’s not much different than regular sugar.

Raw honey hasn’t been pasteurized and maintains a variety of health benefits including antioxidants, immune support, and phytonutrients.

Raw honey is raw for a reason—it loses many of its health benefits when heated. While raw honey is deliciously perfectly on toast, pita chips, or as an accompaniment on a cheese platter, it’s not ideal for baking with or sweetening hot tea.

4. Pureed Dates

Dates are sticky and sweet—a perfect swap for sugar. Dates are a whole food, so they’re full of nutrients including iron, phosphorus, copper, and manganese. They’re also full of fiber, meaning your body will absorb the sugar more slowly—so no blood sugar spike. Dates are the perfect all-natural sugar substitution for feeling good about eating sweets.

To make a pureed date paste: Add one cup of pitted Medjool dates (or substitute any other type of date) to 1/4 cup of hot water. Blend in a food processor until a thick paste forms. Add more water if necessary for a smoother paste. Use date paste like you’d use honey or any other sweet spread. Oh! And it’s paleo-friendly, perfect for baked goods.

5. Stevia

Zero calories and all-natural. Seems too good to be true, right? Stevia, a plant native to South America, has been cultivated for centuries for its sweet flavor and medicinal properties. It’s much sweeter than sugar, so when replacing it you don’t need nearly as much. In fact, for every one cup of sugar, the stevia equivalent is approximately one teaspoon of liquid or powder extract.

Replacing stevia with sugar requires some finagling. Because you don’t need as much, when used for baking you’ll need a bulking agent—like eggs, applesauce, or plant protein powder—to give your recipe volume. Until you’re really comfortable with this substitution process, try following a specific recipe instead of doing it on the fly.

Whether you’ve got a hankering for a late-night snack or want to sweeten your morning coffee, if you’re trying to limit your sugar intake, make those choices healthier with one of these natural sugar substitutes. Of course this is on top of already balancing your blood sugars with our amazing Pink Drink!

As for me and my house, we will embrace Salt Lamp goodness!!

Visit So Well to check them out.

So Well Himalayan salt lightsI personally have had great healing experience’s with salt, so in today’s negative environment, why not opt for any positive options without so much dissecting.

A salt lamp is a piece of Himalayan salt that has been hollowed out to house and embrace the heat emitted from a small light bulb.

Salt lamps come in many different sizes and you want to purchase one that is made from pure Himalayan salt.

Ions: The Negative and Positive
Salt lamp manufacturers and many salt lamp users claim that there are health benefits to Salt Lamps because of the negative ions they emit. And, while they do emit negative ions, the salt lamps, by themselves, do not produce the negative ions.

Salt, by its own nature, attracts water.

It is the added element of heat that causes this water to evaporate creating the negative ions. Negative ions are naturally found in nature near waterfalls and oceans and before rain storms.These are sources that generally make us feel very peaceful, at rest with our spirit My spirit is always renewed by being near an ocean, a mountain waterfall, a lake in the country and a warm refreshing shower in the rain.

“Normal ion counts in fresh country air is 2,000-4,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. At a large water fall you might find over 100,000 negative ions. Polluted air such as in large cities might have less than 100 ions.” 

Positive ions are emitted by technology like computers, cell phones, microwaves.

There have been many claims that these items are detrimental to our health, some doctors have stated that cell phones should be at least five feet away from where you are sleeping. Yikes…who follows this thought or even knows it is a possibility to incur damage doing otherwise.

Mold, bacteria and pollution are also bad for our quality of life, and all carry positive charges.

Positive ions are absorbed into our body as free radicals and cause cell damage and premature aging.

The negative ions pair up with the positive ions and help cleanse the air

” Dr. Albert P. Krueger, a microbiologist and experimental pathologist at the University of California, found that an astonishingly small quantity of negative ions could KILL bacteria and quickly take them out of the air so they were less likely to infect people. A separate series of scientific studies elsewhere show that Salt Lamps and salt tea lights can increase the negative ion count by up to 300%!” (

It is believed Salt lamps will neutralize the air if placed right next to your computer (


I am partial to that last point though, because a positive placebo effect (if that’s what it is) is valuable.

If anything, we attribute the calming claims of the salt lamp users to the Law of Attraction?

We think the salt lamp is beautiful and that it brings peace and calm and those are the thoughts they put out to the Universe and…so it does.

In today’s negative environment, what is not to embrace about something good….🤔


Halloween Styling~

If…I must do Halloween, it must be garden inspired and vintage


Many changes from earlier times brought us to the Halloween we know today.

At one time it was the night when the veil shrouding the future grew thin.

From Scotland… a ritual….the seeker of romantic prophecy would go the garden and pull a stalk from the ground. The shape of the root would foretell the future mate. A long, strong root would mean a healthy young man or woman. A wizened root with soil clinging to it would mean someone old… but wealthy.

Don’t shoot me…I’m only the messenger !! And…I have proof by way of a fabulous vintage postcard…..when cabbage is more than just a tasty veggie.

Stay safe and by all means, whatever you do…do it with Style!

Around the Sage Hill House, October and November means lots of pumpkins, big fat orange ones, red ones, dainty, and not so dainty, white ones, fat, skinny, perfect and totally warped ones. I never ever have enough pumpkins to satisfy my never-ending use for them. Of course the pumpkin isn’t the only autumn fruit/vegetable that is worthy of attention in the colorful scheme of this most loved part of the year.
Gourds, corn stalks, and the different array of apples, from green to yellow to red and a combination of all the previous mentioned colors, it really is the most colorful season.

We enjoy using the colorful selection as an inviting grouping on the front porch, a lovely selection of pumpkins on the farm table in the dining room is very fitting.
A few scattered around the gardens provide a little touch of color to a somewhat fading look by this time of year.

And…of course we must not forget the Jack-O-Lantern.

What would October be without that special face sitting by the door greeting everyone who passes by or comes to call.

One of my very favorite uses for the pumpkin is in the kitchen of course.

For the family meal at Thanksgiving I use a medium size “Sugar Pumpkin”…(best for cooking)as a serving bowl for our favorite stew.

The options are many, just use your imagination for the stew.

Cut the top from a medium size Sugar Pumpkin, scoop out at least half of the pulp/without leaving the shell too thin. Set aside to use in the stew.

In a large deep pan place the pumpkin in boiling water, about 1/3 of the way up on the pumpkin.
Place in a very hot oven and cook until all the water is gone or until the pumpkin is just starting to get soft.(don’t overcook)

Remove from oven, let sit for a few minutes to cool slightly.

Sprinkle the inside with salt and pepper or your favorite spices.

Saute’ the firm parts of the pumpkin pulp, season according to your other ingredients. Stir all together and add to the pumpkin shell. Put it back in the oven and cook about 20 minutes, just enough to blend the flavors.fabe96af24df443a58a7d0d4c1446dc8Red Pumpkins

Makes a lovely centerpiece for the table and delicious too!

Enjoy this season, however you celebrate it…it is so special.