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I had a real “Light Bulb” moment today and I want to share it with you.

Anyone who loves their freedom and knows how close we are to losing it is stressed, some more than others and that is for a plethora of reasons. It’s all real and all normal.
I’m not suggesting do this or that to get rid of the stress-I am suggesting do something really physical every day, exert yourself to the point of …I can’t do anymore!
The stress will still be a truth, but for certain, the body and mind will be lighter and calmer, you’ll be tired at the end of the day and sleep will be better.
No excuses…just do it!!
Consider, if…we must face 4 years of a non-president we will need to be healthy and determined to stand strong and be demanding.
Yesterday, I had appointments in the city.
I came home and washed my Jeep, it was cold and it’s a big vehicle. I was exhausted when I finally came inside. I slept for 8.5 hours.

Today I put on my Muck boots and dug a large hole in the back field, tomorrow I will find a tree for the hole!!
It is time to plant perennials, trees, shrubs, etc.😂