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Spring is all about …renewal…

Lighter/brighter …warmer days…cool nights….

Suddenly it is a sparkling new season!

Why not start the journey with a lighter, brighter, sparkling…”you!”

Think about this…our first thought is Spring clean the house, the garden, work space…

Why not Spring clean the body!
A simple detox for a week is akin to sweeping the house of all clutter!

These blends used on a regular basis (once, twice, three times a week)
support the lymphatic system as well as the kidneys and liver.

(My two favorite Essential oil blends for deep, but easy and no stress on the system.)

Detox blend…

4 drops lemon oil
4 drops grapefruit oil
4 drops angelica root oil
Add to 4 tsp of base or carrier oil such as Almond…

Detox blend…

5 drops grapefruit
5 drops sweet fennel
2 drops carrot seed
Ass to 4 tsp of base or carrier oil such as Almond….

Massage into the soles of the feet and pulse points such as wrist, bends of the knees, palms of the hands, temples and back of the neck.

Add 10 drops to your bath…(warm to slightly hot)
A sauna bath is excellent a few minutes after applying the oils.

***Important***Drink plenty of water while detoxing (Spring or Mineral water)…regardless what method is used…otherwise you have swept up the toxins and left the in the middle of the house to redistribute!

TIP: Add to the detox routine the habit of drinking a good sleep support tea about 10 minutes prior to bedtime….Chamomile is the best….