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Japanese Honeysuckle (Wild-crafted)

There are over 180 varieties of honeysuckle, which include both deciduous and evergreen types. All varieties have sweet-smelling flowers that range from white and yellow to red.

Japanese HoneysuckleThe most common honeysuckle is the Japanese variety. The vine has deciduous green leaves one to three inches in length and yellow, trumpet-like, two-lipped flowers. The vine can grow in excess of 30 feet and can be supported by a trellis or grow up a structure.

Honeysuckle is an invasive plant, so it must be constantly clipped back so it does not escape from the garden and into the fields. The stems are slightly hairy when new and form a bark as they get a little older. The plant dies back in the winter in cold climates but comes back in the spring. Honeysuckle attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Japanese honeysuckle is native to Japan and Korea. It was brought to the state of New York in 1806 to be used as a food source for wildlife in the state, and because of its appeal as a plant. It was used to control and prevent earth erosion, and it worked well. In fact, the plant became invasive and had to be controlled after a while.

This is the honeysuckle used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for treating the heart and lung meridians. In western herbalism it is a trusted treatment for many forms of arthritis, including rhuematoid and osteo arthritis pain and inflamation. It also is an excellent treatment for gout. This is the stems only, the stem and flower mixture treats upper respiritory ailments. The stem alone is an important medicinal, besides treating joint pain and swelling, it also lowers Blood Pressure, and breaks fevers..

There are two ways to enjoy this and any Wild Crafted Tisane….

Japanese HoneysuckleSteep 1-3 teaspoons of blend in 8-ounces of water that reached a boiling point—cover and steep 5 minutes for sipping pleasure.

For medicinal results steep from 7 to 15 minutes, depending on strength desired. The longer steeped, the stronger the taste/benefits.

Most Wild Crafted herbs/plants are best dried before using. Drying preserves and strengthens the oils/flavors.