A few interesting facts about the color “Red.” It is not for the faint of heart…..Red equates to “bliss” in my world.
Red means “Beautiful” in Russian.
The word “ruby” comes from the Latin word rubens, meaning “red”.
The color red doesn’t really make bulls angry; They are color-blind.
There are at least 23 different shades of red crayons.
The red stripes on the United States Flag stand for courage.
Chinese brides traditionally wear red wedding dresses for good luck.
Seeing the color red can make your heart beat faster.
As few as two percent of people in the United States have red hair.
The color red is most often associated with power and passion. It is a fierce and emotionally intense color. Red symbolizes speed, sexuality, and style. Fast cars are red. Beautiful women wear red clothes and red lipstick. Red is also the color of romance and love. If you want to express your love for a woman with flowers, the flowers must be red. In all cases, whether red is worn by a woman, or used in home décor, it will always attract attention.
- Red often gives conflicting messages. Red means “stop” when used on a street light, but it means “go” when worn as lipstick or given as flowers. Red means danger when used on signs and fire extinguishers. Red means both romantic love and sexual lust. Red is the color of Communism, but it also symbolizes Christmas when mixed with the colors green, white, and gold.
- Fashion experts always recommend at least a splash of red when dressing for a job interview or any other important meeting, because red symbolizes power, decisiveness and leadership. In home décor, red is rarely used as a base color but often as highlights. One wall of a room may be painted red to create a feature wall that attracts attention. A sofa may be splashed with red cushions. A centerpiece of red flowers may be used for a special dinner event.
- Red is so intense a color that it doesn’t suit everyone. A rule of thumb: drive a red car, but wear black. Red clothing has the effect of making a person look fuller than they really are. In all instances, red is an extreme color and should be chosen with caution.